Masonic bodies

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The fraternity of Freemasonry, also known as "Free and Accepted Masons," is organized by private groups of members variously known in English as lodges, chapters, councils, commanderies, consistories, etc., which can be collectively referred to as Masonic bodies.

The basic unit to which an individual member belongs is the Masonic Lodge, which alone can "make" a Mason. This is done by conferring the three masonic degrees, being those of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft (or Fellow Craft), and Master Mason.[1]

Many masonic bodies use numbers as an informal way of referring to or identifying the degrees they confer, but the most important and therefore "highest" degree is the third, or Degree of Master Mason. Whilst there is no degree in Freemasonry higher than that of Master Mason, the degree of the Holy Royal Arch is of great antiquity, and has a special importance in many masonic systems, including those of all three of the oldest 'Constitutions' (masonic authorities), namely the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in all of which it is considered (by varying constitutional definitions) to be the completion of the mainstream masonic structure,[2][3] A number of related organisations which have as a prerequisite to joining that one be a Master Mason, such as the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, and a large number of 'stand-alone' Orders and Degrees.[4]

There are also organizations affiliated with Freemasonry which admit both Master Masons and non-Masons who have some relation to a Master Mason, such as the Order of the Eastern Star, International Order of Job's Daughters (Job's Daughters International) and the Order of the Amaranth. Still other affiliated organizations like the Order of DeMolay and the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls admit non-Masons and have no requirement that an applicant be related to a Master Mason.

A number of terms, such as "appendant," "affiliated," "concordant," or "in amity" are used, sometimes interchangeably, to describe these bodies.



Until the first two decades of the 18th century, Freemasonry in the British Isles seems to have consisted of only one degree,[5] although there have survived some references to symbolic elements that now appear in both the second and third degrees.[6] Following the introduction of the second and third degrees in the 1720s, the Premier Grand Lodge of England, formed in 1717, frowned on anything beyond the first three degrees, viz. the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.

However, the Antient Grand Lodge of England, formed in 1751, claiming to be of an older tradition, with strong ties to the Freemasonry of Ireland and Scotland, allowed a wider range of more elaborate rituals to be worked. The Antients believed, rightly or wrongly, that their possession of the Royal Arch Degree gave them the older, more complete tradition, and they derisively called the Masons of the Premier Grand Lodge "the Moderns." When the two Grand Lodges merged in 1813, Article Two of the Articles of Union agreed that "pure ancient Masonry consists of three degrees, and no more," although by semantic wordplay that agreement included the "Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch" and allowed some "chivalric degrees" [7]

The period from 1740 to 1813 saw a host of Masonic rites, orders and degrees emerge. These new rituals enlarged the scope of Masonry and encompassed many elaborations, some of which included elements which had previously been practiced within the craft. Many rites proved to be transient and died out (some being no more than a written record without evidence of having been practiced), but some proved more resilient and survived.


Different Masonic jurisdictions vary in their relationships with appendant bodies, if any. Some offer formal recognition, while others consider them wholly outside of Freemasonry. This leads to some such bodies not being universally considered as appendant bodies, but rather separate organizations that happen to require Masonic affiliation for membership.


Each Masonic body sets its own Membership requirements, which vary greatly. Many of these, especially those that actually confer additional Masonic degrees and orders, limit membership to Master Masons only. Others require the candidate to either be a Master Mason or have a familial relationship to one. Some require the candidate to be a Trinitarian Christian, which is more religiously specific than Craft Masonry, which accepts candidates of any faith as long as they declare a belief in a Supreme Being. Others require prior membership of other groups, or having held specific office in a group.

Membership is sometimes open, and sometimes invitational. In the United States, the York and Scottish Rites make petitions available to all Master Masons but reserve the right to reject petitioners, while other groups, such as the Knight Masons, require that one be asked to join by a current member.

Rites, orders, and degrees


In England after the degrees of craft freemasonry there are a large number of separately administered degrees and orders open only to craft freemasons, of which the following are some of the most popular:

Two principal groups of degrees each administered from their own offices are:

Amongst many others are


In Scotland after the three degrees of craft freemasonry most Master Mason are advanced as Mark Master Masons, this Royal Arch degree is worked in Craft lodges thanks to a special agreement between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. there are a number of additional orders open only to craft freemasons, of which the following are some of the most popular:

The following orders are administered in England, but have Conclaves and Units in Scotland

United States

In the United States there are two main Masonic appendant bodies:


In Canada there are two main Masonic appendant bodies:


In Ireland, after the Craft degrees conferred under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ireland there are a number of degrees and orders that are administered separately and are open to Master Masons either by petition or by invitation.

Invitational Degrees

Northern Europe

In northern Europe Freemasonry exists mostly in the form of the Swedish Rite.


The French Rite is strong in France, Luxembourg, Greece, Brazil, and formerly Louisiana.[8]

Other orders and degrees

The following affiliated and/or appendant bodies confer Masonic degrees. Those who petition or are invited to membership must be at least Master Masons, although each body may have additional qualifications for membership:

Other affiliated bodies

The following affiliated organizations admit both Masons and female relatives of Masons:

Youth organizations

A number of Masonic-affiliated youth organizations exist, mainly in North America, which are collectively referred to as Masonic Youth Organizations.


  1. ^ Coil, Henry Wilson; "Degrees," pp. 165–168; Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia; 1961, 1996, Macoy Publ. Co., Richmond, Va. ISBN-0-88053-054-5
  2. ^ Aims and Relationships of the Craft
  3. ^ In the United Kingdom, Article II of the 1813 Articles of Union between the "Antients" and "Moderns" declared that the Holy Royal Arch degree is the completion of the Master Mason degree.
  4. ^ Jackson, Keith B. Beyond the Craft: The Indispensable Guide to Masonic Orders Practised in England and Wales, 2005. ISBN 0-85318-248-5
  5. ^ This is discussed in detail in the Prestonian Lecture (annual official academic lecture of the United Grand Lodge of England) of 1926, The Evolution of the Second Degree, by Lionel Vibert, published 1926 by Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge, London; re-published in 1965; again re-published in 1984 by Lewis Masonic in "The Collected Prestonian Lectures" (page 47ff).
  6. ^ This is discussed in detail in the Prestonian Lecture (annual official academic lecture of the United Grand Lodge of England) of 1925, The Development of the Trigradal System, by Lionel Vibert, published 1925 by Quatuor Coronati Research Lodge, London; re-published in 1965; again re-published in 1984 by Lewis Masonic in "The Collected Prestonian Lectures" (page 31ff).
  7. ^ Coil, Henry Wilson; "England, Grand Lodges, Union of 1813," pp. 241–242; Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia; 1961, 1996, Macoy Publ. Co., Richmond Va.
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  10. ^ Grand Council of Knight Masons
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Website Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in The Provice of Ontario Website The Sovereign Great Priory (SGP)in Canada